Event Details

Young Adults Game Night

If you're a young adult looking to connect here at the South Campus or maybe you're already plugged in to a group or serving but are just looking to hang out with other people your age, then pull up to our next Young Adult Game Night on April 27! We do these Young Adult Events once a quarter to provide a place for us to gather together and make community here at our campus! If you're between the ages of 20 to 30 years old, we would love to have you join us! We will be having pizza and a popcorn bar for dinner so come hungry! Board games, group games, and of course Mario Cart and Super Smash Bros competitions are all on the agenda! 

This is also a great place to get plugged into a small group of young adults if you're desiring that deeper connection in community! We will be providing opportunities for you to do that throughout the night! So, invite a friend and come hang with us!

South Overland Park Campus

Harrison Blake

Date / Time